Thursday, September 9, 2010

Coming Soon to a Computer Near You!

Our sweet friend, Marilyn Burns, has put in countless hours working on all of our deputation materials. She has given of her time and talents and we hope the Lord blesses her for it! We got together with her last Monday, to begin talking about our dvd presentation. We were hoping to have it completed by mid-October. Our first meeting is in Florida on October 15th! If you know Marilyn, she is a very busy girl. She has her hand in so many things and is always on the go. We knew that this would add a lot to her already busy schedule.
As we were discussing the dvd, and old friend of mine came up in the conversation. He and his wife are leaving on October 3rd to go to the United Kingdom as missionairies. He put together a very powerful video presentation for their ministry which we wanted to mirror. It was decided that I would contact him, to ask him some general questions about his video to get a sort of starting point for Marilyn.
As we chatted on facebook, this friend graciously offered to basically put together our video for us. His career had him doing these sorts of things all of the time and he is good at it! It's so encouraging to know that the Lord had this planned long ago and intended to help us (and Marilyn) in this way. He is so good to us, and so often we don't even take notice of it. I praise Him for this answer to prayer and for this sweet friend who was so giving of his time and talents (like Marilyn). You can view his video on YouTube at .
Lord-willing, you'll be watching ours very soon! I'll keep you posted.

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